The Company’s success and social welfare are interdependent. The Company has created shared values in a number of community development initiatives. Efforts to achieve this goal include partnerships and support in the following areas
Roads & bridges
The Company has constructed and continues to maintain 787 Kms of cane roads, 19 bridges and several culverts. This way, the Company reduces zonal distance to fields as well as improving road network and accessibility to the immediate community.
The Company supports ultra-modern SonySugar Medical Centre and a high end gym (both for staff and the public) through provision workforce, supplies and equipment. The facility also provides preventive health campaigns though information, education and screening.
The Company runs SonySugar Nursery, SonySugar Complex (primary) and SonySugar Complex Junior Secondary which offer quality education to both staff and the public.
Environmental Conservation
The Company runs a tree nursery to provide seedlings of trees, fruits and ornamental plants to employees and members of the public at subsidised rates.
The Company partners with other stakeholders (Equity Foundation in 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 FY to plant 10,000 trees in Migori, SonySugar and Rongo University.
Employees hold annual tree planting day in June every year.
Community Empowerment
As part of Corporate Social Responsibility, The Company:-
- Supports youth organizations engaged in behaviour change campaigns.
- Gives one-off donations where necessary
- Has availed stand-by ambulances for internal and external referrals
- Has availed stand-by fire engine for internal and external fire emergencies